confused onboarding

so I'll give you my first impressions, hopefully you'll take it as constructive feedback. I did create a fake prodile just to understand the onboarding. I got surprised that although I had to define a hourly rate there was no connection to my bank account - where does the money go and what's your cut?

1) the granny logo kinda puts me off - as a former brand advertising strategist I don't see the benefit of this visual icon - i imagine your brief said "wisdom" but to me gives me old school / old establishment and I don't want, as a mentor, to be equated to old granny voice. I also see a disparity in the branding / logo-icon and the rest of the look&feel / discord tribes.

2) I do not wish to engage in paid mentorship. what I enjoy about my 10years track record as a mentor is the altruism and the sense of giving back to the community. I mentor ppl on topics such as career change, asking for a raise, moving countries - NOT business topics like I see now in your filters. I already have a job and I do not wish to engage in paid consultancy / nor can I ;) - potential solution: give mentors the opportunity to donate their fee to a NGO of their choice / a curated list from you.

3) The website mentions Use Cases - but I'd challenge that as it feels much more written like benefits for the different audiences you're after. I think the key product you're selling is paid advice / micro-consulting (at a piece), instead of mentorship? Reminds me of Fivr but for micro-consulting.I do appreciate you reaching out to me and thanks for the compliments. My mentors really helped me structure and advance in my career and I am beyond grateful to them. I am simply paying it fwd.

Cheers from rainy Amsterdam!
Joana Veiga

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